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Transform with Ease 


Uncover your unique path to greater health. Call us

Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, something is holding you back from fulfilling your dreams? 


How much could you use a new spark to ignite your personal and professional goals with a fresh sense of focus and confidence?  Whether it’s one goal that’s been eluding you for years or a series of issues that keeps you feeling stagnant, you don’t have to carry on this debilitating cycle. 

The Effectiveness of Hypnosis:

A survey of psychotherapy literature by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. revealed the following recovery rates:


Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions

Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions​

Hypnosis Works! 

Surveys show that an overwhelming majority of people believe in the power of hypnosis, just not for themselves.  Sound familiar?  This is normal, especially when hypnosis is most often publicly recognized as an act meant for humor and entertainment.  What gets lost in this common misconception is the unfortunate dismissal of legitimate, fast and effective work that can help virtually everyone with at least one significant issue in their lives.

Common Uses for Hypnosis (to name just a few)

• Personal Growth
• Increase Prosperity/Success
• Improve Self-Esteem/Confidence
• Overcome Phobias/Anxiety/Fear/Trauma  (Public Speaking, flying, etc.)
• Improve Health
• Reach Goals Faster and More Easily

• Overcome Addiction
• Discover Your Life Purpose
• Insomnia
• Smoking Cessation
• Weight Loss
• Pain Management and more!

Why does it work so well?

Few people realize how much internal programming is already ruling their lives.  The truth is; 92% or more of our actions are directed by our subconscious mind while a mere 8% is driven by our rational thinking conscious mind.  We are taught we can intellectualize our way through any situation and make logical decisions for every scenario but that’s completely opposite of reality.  Hypnosis is so effective because it deals directly with the subconscious mind which controls everything from your breathing, heartbeat and memory to your emotions and your ability to take the first step toward any goal or action. With hypnosis, we go directly to the source to process and transform any limiting beliefs, negative programming or emotions that are holding you back.

Hypnosis Portland Christ Davies

What should I expect?

Our work together will begin with an extended session that generally lasts 1.5 hours in order to cover an extensive introduction to the subconscious mind, as well as an initial hypnotic experience.  Subsequent sessions last about an hour and of course include hypnosis, along with instruction on useful take home techniques which help to reinforce new habits and thought patterns.  Most clients resolve issues within 3 to 6 sessions which is a welcome and drastic difference from traditional therapy.  Initially, weekly appointments are recommended due to the cumulative and progressive nature of hypnosis. Sessions are best experienced in person, but in certain cases, Skype sessions can be conducted.  Arrive to your session prepared and committed to work on the issue of your choosing and we’ll go on from there.

Please note: All the work that we do together is completely confidential.

Hypnosis is $100 per hour with a free 20 minute consultation. 

You can call for an appointment on 503.395.7311 or 

Hypnotherapy is not the practice of medicine, psychology or psychiatry, and is not in any way intended to be a replacement for diagnosis or treatment of any complaint or ailment. Persons with an ailment or physical complaint are to see their physician first for treatment, and make use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy as an adjunct to medical treatment. Persons with mental disabilities or mental illnesses should seek psychiatric care. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy employ and teach skills for self-improvement; therefore their effectiveness depends on the client and no guarantee can be made regarding the results of their use. The contents of this website are for educational purposes only.

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