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The Purpose Rx

Lead a Life Full of Purpose


Uncover your unique path. Call us to find out how.

What Do You Do When...

Absolutely nothing falls into place to boost you towards your dreams and it's about to drive you CRAZY?

or...You know you’re the only dim wit on the planet with no clue what you'll be when you grow up...and you're over 30?

Sometime it seems.... Everyone you notice seems happy and settled and you can barely get out of bed in the morning?

and...You just can't get an emotional grip long enough to stop driving everyone away?

Dreams…….what dreams???

Here's the great news.  You don't have to keep hitting yourself over the head and suffering this way.  There are hundreds of people out there right now leading lives full of purpose, happiness and success because they did what you should do next...

Experience the Purpose Rx!

You're Not Alone 

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with you!  You are dealing with a clear case of 'No Purpose Syndrome' and if left untreated you are heading hard and fast towards a debilitating life long condition.  This is a very common ailment among anyone born in the last six or seven decades so your belief that this is only you is...well...completely unfair.  Now more than ever, people are professional projectionists with social media spewing perfect pictures of everyone and hiding the underlying turmoil so many deal with daily.

What Does Finding Purpose...
Look Like?



  • 90 minutes of knock your socks off spot on intuition from one tapped in lady.  We'll see what's working in your life and what is as worn out as your grandma's first set of curlers (which is usually plenty).  From there, we get to map out those next mystery steps and create a plan of action that propels you into a little something called forward movement.  After feeling stuck like gum on a shoe for so long, I can tell that is a great moment when you know you're free.


  • 3 x 60 minute Hypnosis sessions to break up the old story and outline a new one.  It's so much easier to connect with those big epiphony moments than it is to follow through on what you learned there.  Actively reprogramming your brain to create new and improved habits (otherwise known as Hypnosis) works a lot better than just winging it or hoping for the best.  And by a lot better I mean at all because the alternatives pretty much don't work.  This process gives you the confidence and the gusto to go for it, whatever the "it" is.

Anchor 1
Feel Like?


  • Finding home after a trip around the world on foot in a pair of Birkenstocks.  It's a worthy and often treacherous journey but when you find that one place that grounds you and feeds your soul completely, you are home and there's nothing better.

  • An epic power surge flowing straight to the heart during a lightening a good way.  Your energy level will take a major upswing as you forge ahead into unchartered mind matter.

  • Meeting your first love with all the excitement and adolescent confusion over the newness of the feelings...but you can't think of anything else.  

  • Purpose = Happiness and everything that comes with that: attracting good people, stability, abundance and a general lack of boredom.


Sound Like?


  • Kids laughing and playing hard at the playground with pure joy in their hearts...nothing quite as sweet as that.

  • Those pain in the ass doubter inner voices shut it for a change and start learning some new "I can!"

  • The Beginning.........

Yes I'm ready for the  The Purpose Rx call 503.395.7311 or 

(This $450 value special Purpose Rx package is only $350)

Crazy Doesn't Quite Cover It


Everyone's experience with purpose is unique but the signs that one is lacking are usually fairly spot on.  There's no balance, no grounding force and as far as happiness goes well....what's that again?

I was 24 years old and pretty sure death was imminent. It is to this day, known by my closest peeps as a "plague period" which may lend some perspective on how crappy it was.  From a chest full of mucus for several months to a nasty case of facial eczema, misery was a good day.

I kept hearing a voice in my head saying, "You can heal yourself if you meditate."  over and over and over and over and...

When I finally got tired of suffering, I went to a metaphysical store in the Castro, San Francisco and bought a 6 tape audio set to amp your intutiion.  I got right to work putting in 2 hours a day trying really hard to meditate. 

After falling asleep for a few weeks, messages started coming through as loud as the original. I heard I was supposed to help heal people and talk to spirits.

" this what schizophrenia is???" 

Fair question but as it tuns out, NO.

Soon enough, I got more cozy with the messages because they were always about love and helping folks. I kept having predictions come true the more I listened to what I was hearing/feeling/seeing so, nothing wrong with that. 

Very quickly, I just happened to notice that all my symptoms had completely cleared. I was so busy following my intuition and having magical adventures, my own healing had slipped by me.

How'd that happen again?

Making a habit of listening to my intuition had connected me with a sense of purpose, and the effects were undeniable.  From that day forward, I've always felt a link to purpose even when I was way off course.  

Once you feel it, you never go back.  You are forever changed.


Intuitive Medium sessions and Hypnotherapy sessions by Christa Davies C Ht  is not the practice of medicine, psychology or psychiatry, and is not in any way intended to be a replacement for diagnosis or treatment of any complaint or ailment. Persons with an ailment or physical complaint are to see their physician first for treatment, and make use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy as an adjunct to medical treatment. Persons with mental disabilities or mental illnesses should seek psychiatric care. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy employ and teach skills for self-improvement; therefore their effectiveness depends on the client and no guarantee can be made regarding the results of their use. The contents of this website are for educational purposes only.

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